One day on the Moon lasts for 700 hours, or nearly 30 Earth days.
In the Middle Ages, all believed as did Aristotle, that the heart is the center of intelligence.
Contrary to popular belief, donkeys belong to one of the smartest ungulates. They, for example, use their chin hair to test whether there is current going through a wire fence and if they have to walk thru dangerous grounds, they will only start if their master walks through first.
Sharks will change their sharp triangle teeth (in five rows) continuously throughout their lifetime. They can change up to thirty thousand teeth. It is believed that the bite force of a white shark is equal to three tons.
Kim Peek (54), the autistic genius who inspired the creation of a film "Rain Man", knew by heart the contents of 12.000 books. That are almost all the books he had read from the age of four.
Landkreuzer P. 1000 "Ratte", also known as Rat, is a giant tank that the Nazis planned to make to assist them in battles in World War II, which was supposed to weigh a staggering 1,000 tons.